Special Education Advocate
Education Advocating 101
Get comfy and let's meet via a secure telehealth link, one on one! Allow me to introduce you to all the cool stuff your little one can access at school. I'll explain the Individualized Education Plan or 504 and give you the lowdown on requesting school accommodations. Plus, if therapy is needed, I can hook you up with some great referrals. And, of course, I'm here to answer all your questions in just 30 minutes! All this for a cool $50.
504/ IEP Review
Get ready for a virtual one-on-one that takes IEP reviews to a whole new level! Join us through a secure telehealth link and let's dive into every nook and cranny of your child's IEP document. We'll even throw in reports, progress notes, tests, and more! After the review, we'll give you a written report that's chock-full of accommodation guidance and scripts that'll equip you to be a powerful advocate for your child. We'll even give you referrals for therapy if needed and answer all your burning questions. All of this for only $250 in just 60 minutes!
504/IEP Review and Advocacy
Buckle up, parents! We're about to dive into your kiddo's IEP document like a boss! With a secure telehealth link, we'll review every juicy section, from reports to progress notes to testing and beyond. Then, we'll send you a written report with all the accommodation tips and tricks you need to school the school. Plus, if your child needs some extra therapy love, we got you covered with referrals. But wait, there's more! Get a 30-minute coaching call before or on the day of the meeting to prep like a pro and another 30-minute call after the meeting to debrief and celebrate like a champ. In just 120 minutes, we'll give you the confidence to conquer any IEP meeting. All for just $500!